エリア: 仙台市

ジャンル: 防災・防犯


おすすめ 復興 外国語版 バイリンガル


  • 「A Foreigner Focused Collection of Responses to the Great East Japan Earthquake」
    For all to take action in quake disasters by sharing information

    Feature : Disaster prevention for a multicultural society in the future
    Verification1 : At that time, we were
    Verification2 : How did organizations react ?
    Report1 : Sisuations of foreigner and Sendai City / SIRA's approach
    Report2 : Survey about foreign victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake
  • 「外国人に関する震災記録集[英語]」
  • ウェブサイト: http://www.city.sendai.jp/koryu/1213290_2446.html